The rise of telehealth

The healthcare industry has been slow to embrace change, particularly when it comes to new technology. But COVID-19 may be changing that. Telehealth is one such technology that has seen a boost in interest from healthcare consumers during the pandemic – a trend that could continue long after it ends. As their familiarity with telehealth grows, healthcare consumers expect insurance providers and employers to keep up. Learn more about healthcare consumers’ thoughts on telehealth in the following infographic.

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As consumers embrace alternative healthcare options, it’s time for health plans and employers to get on board.

As COVID-19 persists, a significant percentage of consumers remains uncomfortable returning to healthcare as usual.

  • 25% of people said they were not comfortable going to an in-person healthcare appointment
  • 62% of people said they are afraid of the risk of traditional healthcare settings

People are open to alternative forms of care, including telehealth

  • 29% said the use of digital health tools since COVID has made them more trusting of virtual care
  • 40% of people say they would like their healthcare provider to offer telehealth services

Health plans can make a difference

Consumers would like more options and more assistance with telehealth. Those who currently don’t use telehealth say it’s due to:

  • lack of availability (28%)
  • lack of insurance coverage or too high of a cost (28%)
  • lack of knowledge about how it works (25%)

Employers can make a difference

  • 39% are more interested in attractive benefit options
  • 22% expect support and tools that guide healthcare spending and saving decisions
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