Lunch & Learn with Alegeus

Alegeus is pleased to host the Lunch & Learn series, a lineup of webinars designed to inform, educate and empower. Sign up to join us for the sessions listed below!


Winning with COBRA: Reinvigorating your sellers on the WealthCare COBRA solution

August 14, 2024  |  12:00 – 1:00pm ET

The business of COBRA administration (and the current technology solution landscape) can be painful – prone to manual processes, rigid data/integration capabilities and antiquated experiences. Those pain points are only magnified by employer complexity, custom employer requirements and changing regulations. Enter: WealthCare COBRA, the industry’s first modern, cloud-first COBRA administration system. If you are in the business of COBRA administration (or want to be), you won’t want to miss this session. Learn about capabilities that will leapfrog you beyond your competitors, and arm your sellers with an irresistible COBRA story.

Register here



Legislative Update: What's in Store for 2024?


Who Are You? Defining Your Value from the Outside In


Differentiate and Win with the Best-in-Class Alegeus HSA Solution


The Market Outlook for Benefit Accounts


Understanding HRAs: The Progress, Possibilities & Potential Pitfalls


Webinar FAQs: Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs)


Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs)