What You Need to Know When Choosing a Consumer Directed Healthcare (CDH) Account Platform

Consumer directed healthcare (CDH) accounts – such as FSAs, HRAs and HSAs – have emerged as a critical vehicle to enable consumers to manage their ever-growing responsibility for healthcare costs.

For health plans, third party administrators and financial institutions that administer those accounts – the selection of an account administration platform, and the effort and investment required to convert their existing portfolio, is significant.

From system architecture, to plan setup and administrator controls, to branding opportunities and participant/employer engagement and self-service capabilities:

  • How can your CDH platform deliver competitive advantage to help you win in the market?
  • What is its potential to transform your business operations – simplifying processes, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction?
  • What are the best-in-class features available in the market today?
  • What is the business case for making a change, and what is the opportunity cost of status quo?

In this on demand webinar, we discuss the strategic importance of selecting the right CDH administration platform – and evaluate whether a change is warranted. During the presentation, we heard from other health plans and administrators that have recently gone through a platform evaluation and conversion – and the criteria, priorities and imperatives that weighed into their decision-making.

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